martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Nasa Community

They are located in the Cauca, south occident of Colombia, they have their own language “Nasa Yuwe”.  Their cosmology is based on the conception of home “yet”, they think that it is the place for constructing collectively the life.

Their economy is based on raising cattle, elaboration of crafts and handicrafts, cultivation of corn, beans, potatoes, strawberry, cafe, fique, banana and yucca.

They develop a community work called “minga”, it is usually for helping families in the construction of houses, harvesting and others.

After “mingas” they used to dance and sing in their traditionally rituals.


They sing to their animals

They are located in “La peninsula de la Guajira” , they represent the 20% of the native population in Colombia, they have their own language “El Wayuunaiki” that belongs to the Arawak family.  They live in “rancerias” which are made with wood, they sleep in hang hamocs made with cotton.
Their economy is based on raising cattle and goats, and on the elaboration of crafts and handicrafts.

Following two videos: One of an important festival made by Wayú people, and other abaut their situation: